Last night we packed the SUV. It was a bit dicey, look at the pile of stuff! 15 boxes or bags, not counting two backpacks. To be fair, though, a lot of it was non-perishable food for the month.
We arrived in Key West today a little before 1:00. About 6 & 1/2 hour drive, not too bad. Weather is mid 90's, humid, slight breeze - typical Florida.
First we went to the grocery store and setup our account for future orders. On our trip to the park tomorrow we'll take enough food for a week (we hope!)
Afterwards we met one of the park employees to get the details about how we'll get to the park. There are two boats - one is the Yankee Freedom ferry (fast), which goes every day, and the other is the park service boat, the Ft. Jefferson (slow), which goes once a week. We had been told we would take the park boat, but it's docked at the Coast Guard station, which has just changed it's security procedures, so that that didn't get sorted out in time. So, it's the ferry, which is fast (good), but we have to be there to load up at 6:30 AM (bad).
Next news from the park..